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Debating the Digital Divide

Yaritza was suspended in seventh grade for punching a boy in the nose. He had called her a dull-witted donkey, not quite in those...

How Bilingual?

World language departments around the globe are continually faced with the task of advising and placing freshmen and transfer students into the appropriate courses....

Reading under Lockdown

Each year, Renaissance releases the What Kids Are Reading report, and each year it grows by leaps and bounds.1 This year’s report looked at...

Transforming Reading Instruction

1. Millions of people, including me, learned to read with the help of Reading Mastery. Why change such a successful product? Although Reading Mastery...

Rumi in the Language Classroom Vol 7: Operational Definition

Rumi in the Language Classroom Vol 7 See Vol 1 hereSee Vol 2 hereSee Vol 3 hereSee Vol 4 hereSee Vol 5 hereSee Vol 6...

Words Matter – The Case for Shifting to “Emergent Bilingual”

Throughout IDRA’s almost five decades, we have paid close attention to how we speak about people in terms of race or ethnicity, gender, etc....

Rumi in the Language Classroom Vol 6: Learner Differences

Rumi in the Language Classroom Series Vol 6 See Vol 1 hereSee Vol 2 hereSee Vol 3 hereSee Vol 4 here See Vol 5 here In...

Creating a Culturally Responsive Teaching Ecosystem

Culturally responsive teaching (CRT), a research-based approach that makes meaningful connections between what students learn in school and their cultures, languages, and life experiences,...

Help Your Students Slide Up, Not Down, Over the Summer

During the summer months, young children lose literacy gains made during the school year, a phenomenon known as “summer slide.” The most ...

Preschoolers Continue to Lose Learning Opportunities from Pandemic

Children from 3 to 5 years of age have lost important learning opportunities due to the pandemic, according to a nationwide survey by the...

The Science of Reading in Dual Language

“Literacy has two beginnings: one, in the world, the...

Celebrating Multilingual Learner Identity through Personal Narrative Instruction

The social isolation and countless hours of silent, independent assignments young linguistically diverse scholars have endured during the past year of online learning have...

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Language Magazine