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What’s the Secret?

Jennifer Helfand verses on the ‘musts’ of language learning Vocabulary and grammar. When I was a child, I thought that these were the only two...

Stressing Classy Communication

Margo Gottlieb and Gisela Ernst-Slavit know that academic language is important for all students and essential for English language learners In a midsized school, a...

Helping Students Find Their Voices

Adrienne Almeida examines the unique challenges that ELL students face and the impact these challenges have on their social-emotional and academic health   Imagine being a...

Use Data Effectively to Drive Instruction

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires states and districts to provide all students, including English learners (ELs), equal access to educational opportunities. In order...

Everyone’s Story Matters

As a parent and veteran teacher, Katie Egan Cunningham presents a heartfelt case for returning stories to a place of primacy in today’s classroom....

TESOL & ASU Partner to Offer Core Certificate

TESOL International Association has partnered with Arizona State University (ASU) to offer its...

On the Road to Multilingualism

Bilingual rapper GüeroLoco takes us on his passionate journey to promote language learning and allow students to reap the benefits Welcome to the journey! iBienvenidos al...

Testing Benefits

Mariana Castro shows what language proficiency assessments have to offer educators of English learners If you are an educator, chances are that you have had...

Blending to Test

Julie Damron and Jennifer Quinlan assess student outcomes in the blended classroom Located in Provo, Utah, Brigham Young University (BYU) is a private institution with...

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and English Language Learners (ELLs)

Dr. Wayne E. Wright, Purdue University professor and author of Foundations for Teaching English Language Learners (2015, Caslon Publishing), addresses how the new ESSA...

Millions for Linguistic Research

The Institute of Education Sciences has granted more than $100 million for education research across a wide array of subjects and topics. Over one-fourth...

Toward Biliteracy: Spanish and Californian Trajectories

As Californian demands grow for biliteracy, Cynthia García Dehbozorgi and Nehemias Giménez García compare the state’s initiatives to those of Spain Surprisingly, one of the oldest bilingual-education programs in...

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Language Magazine