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Informing Instruction for English Learners

A fresh start. A clean slate. The beginning of a new school year can be brimming with possibilities and excitement around the growth potential that...

Early Literacy Especially Important for ELLs

A new study from Oregon State University (OSU) shows that English learners are more likely to become proficient English speakers if they enter kindergarten with...

Smarter Balanced Making the Grade

Rachel Kachchaf explains how the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium is helping to improve outcomes for English language learners What improvements/provisions do the latest versions...

Report Challenges California’s System to Identify English Learner Needs

Study of local plans identifies key improvements to fix the system Californians Together is releasing a new report today entitled Masking the Focus on English...

Shared Book Reading Benefits ELL Language Skills

Shared book reading—the process of reading alongside children and engaging them by pointing to pictures, discussing word meanings, and going over the book’s plot—has...

Report Claims Most US Teachers Not Trained to Create Readers

According to a report by the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ), a Washington-based think tank funded by the conservative Thomas B. Fordham Foundation,...

English Learners Succeeding

A new study finds that scores from students who speak a language other than English at home have improved dramatically over the last 15 years....

U.S. Judge Denies Right to Literacy

In Detroit last month, U.S. District Judge Stephen Murphy III asserted that, despite its importance, the U.S. Constitution does not guarantee a fundamental right...

The New Free Voluntary Reading?

Kenneth S. Horowitz finds a parallel between the use of video games and Krashen’s theories of Free Voluntary Reading and Free Voluntary Surfing ESL teachers...

Adult Literacy XPRIZE Down to Five Finalists

XPRIZE—the global leader in designing and operating world-changing incentive competitions—and its sponsors, have awarded $100K to each of the five finalist teams in the...

Reading for Number One

Bruce B. Brown examines how independent reading can transform the oute to English language acquisition Whether in the elementary grades or adults in higher education,...

Reading Illustrated Story Books ‘Just Right’

A new study, “Goldilocks Effect? Illustrated Story Format Seems ‘Just Right’ and Animation ‘Too...

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Language Magazine