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The Wonderful World of Words

Vocabulary is one of the Five Pillars of Literacy. A deep understanding of nuanced words is key for comprehension and spoken and written communication....

Feds Lay Out Rules for English Learners during Closures

The U.S. Department of Education has issued a factsheet clarifying states’ responsibilities to English learners (ELs) and their parents during the extended school closures: Annual...

Free Audio Skills Courses for a Million Adults

Cell-Ed has announced that is has partnered with the state of New York, the Barbara Bush Foundation, and the Dollar General Literacy Foundation to...

2020 Global Literacy Award presented to Little Free Library

Little Free Library, a nonprofit based in Hudson, Wisconsin, United States was awarded for contribution to global literacy from the World Literacy Foundation. The Little Free...

Toolkit to Highlight English Learner Progress

In response to renewed calls to strengthen programs for English Learners in California, the Center for Equity for English Learners at Loyola Marymount University...

What Is the Future of Literacy Education?

According to National Center for Education figures, about 30 million adult Americans are functionally illiterate ( Clearly, there is room for improvement when it...

A Common Wish Amongst Our Children

My studying abroad experience started five years ago. Five long, sometimes short years, depending on my challenges, studying the Spanish language and all its...

Why UDL Matters for English Language Learners

In 1922, my grandmother moved from Trois-Rivières, a city in Quebec, Canada, at the age of eleven. Speaking only French, and traveling with her...

Filling the Achievement Gap through Multigenerational Learning

There is a crack in our nation’s foundation. Although it is historically referred to as the achievement gap, today we more accurately call this...

Study Reveals Misconceptions about English Learners

Chicago Public Schools (CPS) students who began kindergarten as English learners (ELs), on average, progressed to eighth grade with academic achievement similar to or...

A Futile War

The War on Drugs In 1998, the United Nations decided that it was going to eradicate drugs from planet Earth by 2008. The project was...

Urge Congress to #FundLibraries

For a fourth consecutive year, the White House budget proposal for FY21 eliminates direct federal funding for libraries. The majority of this funding is provided...

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Language Magazine