

Unlocking the Vietnamese Language: A Student’s Perspective in Saigon

Vietnam—the land of delicious food, viral-worthy motorcycle traffic, immense history, and… language classes? Learning Vietnamese is definitely not on the radar for many language...

The Mexican American

Latvia Drops Russian from Schools

Latvia’s Cabinet of Ministers has unanimously and without debate approved new education rules that plan for the gradual rejection of studying Russian as a...

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A Country of Many Canadas

Learning French in Canada has never been easier, and the quality has never been better It’s not surprising that close to 200,000 students come to...

French Cinema on Demand

TV5MONDE USA has launched the first video-on-demand (VOD) cable platform devoted entirely to French-language films in twelve major markets on Comcast systems around the U.S....

Estonia Suppresses Russian

Moscow has accused the Estonian government of denying the rights of the Russian-speaking Estonian population in response to a rejected petition for four Russian-language high...

First Chinese Scripts?

Archeologists in China are debating the significance of recently discovered inscriptions dating back 3,000 years. The Global Times, China’s state-run newspaper, reported that the inscriptions, unearthed...

PRC and Taiwan Collaborate on Linguistic Report

Mainland China and Taiwan are putting aside their tense history to work together closely on a joint language report about their respective dialects of the...

Shabaka: World’s First Arabic Top-Level Domain

Beating out nearly 2,000 other applicants from around the world, Shabaka. (meaning “web” in English) will become the world’s first borderless new top-level domain and...

One Hispanic World

Spain's education, culture and sports minister called for the creation of a common cultural market of the Spanish language at the close of the...

Alaska Home to Rare Russian Dialect

Linguists to compile dictionary from septuagenarian speakers by 2014. A Russian settlement in Alaska that became isolated from the Russian Empire when the U.S. bought...

Overcoming Portunhol: Portuguese for Spanish Speakers

U.S. universities have been hip to the unique challenges that Spanish speakers face when they learn Portuguese. Many universities that offer Portuguese also offer...

Brazil Beckoning

As the Brazilian economy booms, opportunities for Portuguese speakers abound, and picking it up may be easier than you think. Bahia While many think of Rio...

How to Become German

Since 2005, special courses have been helping German immigrants become familiar with the language and culture. Britt Beyer, a Berlin filmmaker, asks if they...

Call for More German in Europe

German chancellor Angela Merkel's conservative coalition is calling for an increase in the use of German in Europe in its campaign program. If the...

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