

Unlocking the Vietnamese Language: A Student’s Perspective in Saigon

Vietnam—the land of delicious food, viral-worthy motorcycle traffic, immense history, and… language classes? Learning Vietnamese is definitely not on the radar for many language...

The Mexican American

Latvia Drops Russian from Schools

Latvia’s Cabinet of Ministers has unanimously and without debate approved new education rules that plan for the gradual rejection of studying Russian as a...

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Arabic Honor Society

Qatar Foundation International (QFI) has launched the Arabic Honor Society (AHS) to recognize top-performing high school students studying Arabic language and Arab culture. Benefits of the...

Become a Spanish Student Ambassador

Students can now apply to be the representative of Spain and the campaign Study in Spain (SiS) in their university for the next round...

Catalan Publisher Leaves Amid Uncertainty

As uncertainty and anxiety over secession grip Spain’s autonomous region of Cataluña, publishing giant Planeta, the world's leading Spanish-language publisher and second biggest publisher...

U.S. Team Wins ” Chinese Bridge ” Contest

A team from the U.S. has won the 15th "Chinese Bridge" language proficiency...

Study Tracks Progress of English Learners

A recent study out of Philadelphia tracked kindergartners who were learning English and found that four years later almost 60% had achieved proficiency, but more...

America Becoming More Multilingual

According to an analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) of newly...

France Welcomes Community College Students

In another move to promote relations between these old allies, the Cultural and...

Greek for Young Refugees

Greek schools are welcoming in more refugee and migrant children who have been stranded in the country. Major efforts by the Greek Ministry of...

French in ‘Mortal Danger’ of Gender Neutrality

The Académie Française, the world’s authority on the French language, has issued a bleak warning against “inclusive writing” which promotes the use of gender-neutral...

Italian Language Week Celebration Begins

The 17th Annual Week of the Italian Language in the World from October 16-21, 2017 is a cultural event which promotes Italian not only...

$3 Million for Irish Language

Irish language groups have received increased funding. According to the Minister for Finance, Paschal Donohoe’s budget speech, the Department is allocating new funds to...

Online Pre-AP Spanish Program

The Virtual High School, a nonprofit that supplies schools with online learning programs, now offers Spanish 3. The year-long online course builds on the...

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Language Magazine