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“The Emergence of Culture Out of Anarchy”: Self-Organization in the English Language

The English language has progressed over time without a...

Helping Academic English Learners Develop Productive Word Knowledge

Dr. Kate Kinsella offers evidence-based instructional practices to advance students’ verbal and written command of critical words Vocabulary Knowledge and Overall Academic Achievement Vocabulary plays a crucial...

English Is Golden

California is more than a state — it’s a state of mind: dynamic, free-thinking, innovative, ecological, and liberal are just some of the adjectives...

Hansa Language Centre

Hansa Language Centre has been teaching languages to adult students from around the globe since 1969. It is one of Canada´s largest and most...

Way with Words

Way with Words Input-Based Incremental Vocabulary Instruction by Joe Barcroft TESOL International Association 123 pages ISBN 193-1185752 Joe Barcroft premises his new book, Input-Based Incremental Vocabulary Instruction,...

Renovating Your Writing

Carving Words Renovating Your Writing: Shaping Ideas into Clear, Concise, and Compelling Messages Richard Kallan ISBN-10: 020525439X • ISBN-13: 9780205254392 (c)2013 • Pearson, White Plains, NY Writing successfully is...

English in America

From Austin with love I questioned whether it was a ludicrously fortunate coincidence or simply my consistent failure to remember that this is a city...

English in America: Niagra Falls

Niagara Falls After stealthily blending in with the masses of Manhattan Island for five weeks, my inner-backpacker told me it was time for an out-of-city...

English in America

Etiquette It has been said that the best way to see a city is by wandering around, equipped with just enough of a plan to...

English in America: The Shift

The Shift On a tiny island of which one could drive across in less than four hours, it would seem plausible that after a few...

English in America

A British Transition With a population of over 8 million, New York City is one of the most culturally diverse, technologically efficient and linguistically varied...


Why learn English in Canada? Canada, the second largest country in the world, has a population of only 30 million people. It is a young,...

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Language Magazine