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Uganda Considers Making Students Study Kiswahili and French

Politicians in Uganda are currently debating whether or not to make Kiswahili and French compulsory subjects in the country’s school system. As two of...

First Full-Time ASL Interpreters Join White House Staff

For the first time in American history, two full-time American Sign Language interpreters have joined the White House staff. Elsie Stecker and Lindsey Snyder...

Australia Helps Community Language Schools

The Australian Labor Party has made early childhood language education a key part of its platform this election cycle, proposing an investment of $15...

The Power of Cultural and Linguistic Connections

(May 2022) Daphne Germain shares a mother’s perspective on the benefits of bilingual, bicultural education

Cervantes Extends Spanish in India

The Cervantes Institute is opening its first satellite center in India in Bangalore, a city of more than eight million people which is considered...

Researchers Tackle Universal Grammar

In their new book The Language Game, cognitive scientists Morten H. Christiansen and Nick Chater set out to identify the origins of human language—and...

Plan to Promote French across Canada

The government of Québec is proposing the celebration of an annual Francophonie Day as part of a three-year plan to reinforce French across the...

Misclassification of Ukrainian Sparks Outcry

Despite years of coverage on the language conflict in Ukraine in Language Magazine and many other media outlets, and a heartfelt, poetic explanation of the subjugation of Ukrainian, there...

Cuba Introduces Secondary Chinese

Over 100 seventh graders from Fructuoso Rodríguez school in the central Havana district of Plaza de la Revolución will start Chinese classes during the...

Potential Genetic Factor in Specific Language Impairment

A team of researchers at the University of Kansas has identified a possible genetic factor underlying specific language impairment (SLI), a communication disorder whose...

Take Action to Support English Learners! FY23 Title III Funding

Take action to support English Learners! Ask your Representative to join Reps. Langevin, Craig, García, and Leger Fernandez in sending a letter to Chairwoman DeLauro...

Pluralism of Nouns

People who grow up speaking English never have to worry about one of the odder parts of our grammar: noncount nouns (also called mass nouns).These are words...

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