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Living Languages Grants Awarded to 45 Tribes and Tribal Organizations

The US Indian Affairs Office of Indian Economic Development has awarded $7 million in grants under the Living Languages Grant Program to 45 American...

Students Begin to Rebound from Pandemic

A new study from the...

Parents Panic Over Teacher Shortage

A national Harris survey of US parents commissioned...

Estonia Moves to End Russian-Medium Schools

Estonian member of parliament Urmas Reinsalu of the Isamaa party recently announced that the coalition government had reached an agreement that the transition to...

Help Design the 2030 Census—what languages should it be in?

Your Feedback is Needed Now to Make...

Polish Recognized in Brazil

Polish has joined the official languages of...

Chinese in Space Spurs Debate on Earth

The fact that internet users have been...

UK Lords Pass Irish and Ulster Scots Bill

The UK’s House of Lords passed a...

Brain Acts the Same Whatever the Language

Over decades, neuroscientists have created a well-defined map of the brain’s “language network,” or the regions of the brain that are specialized for processing...

Hispanic-Serving Institutions Offer High Economic Mobility

A recently published report from think tank Third Way, based in Washington, DC, shows that Hispanic-serving universities provide students more opportunity for economic mobility...

Indigenous Taíno of Puerto Rico Take Their Fight to the UN

Puerto Rican Taíno representatives recently attended the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) in New York to call attention to their situation.“If...

How Schools Can Best Help Students in Deep Poverty

About 7% of American children are living in deep poverty— that’s more than five million children across the US. The Learning Policy Institute, a...

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