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A.I. ‘Stars’ at Cádiz Congress of Spanish Language

Last month, the 9th International Congress of the Spanish Language was held in Cádiz, Spain.  This year’s theme focused around language, multiculturalism and interculturality, running...

France: Language defenders take legal action over ‘Franglais’

Language defense groups in France are taking legal action over a so-called “excessive” use of English and mixed English and French terms, by public...

UK Amps Funding for Chinese Capabilities

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has announced an increase in funding to amplify skills and knowledge on China, for government staff. This includes training...

Multilingualism Can Slow Down Dementia 

Researchers from the University of Sydney have recently found evidence that culturally diverse people might resist symptoms for frontotemporal dementia, for longer.  Calling for more...

Guam Celebrates Mes CHamoru by learning the language

On this year’s Mes CHamoru, or ‘Chamorro Heritage Day’ native Guam islanders asked people to celebrate by learning the CHamoru language. Despite changing over time,...

Italian Watchdog Rejects Gender-Neutral Symbols

The institutional language "guardian" of Italy has decided...

Activists warn Russian languages are disappearing faster than data suggests

Activists in Russia have warned that hundreds of rare languages spoken by Russia’s ethnic and indigenous minorities are disappearing at an alarming rate.  It is...

Spain leads digital reading revolution in Spanish language market

Results from recent data on digital reading show that Spain currently tops charts in the Spanish-speaking world for numbers of digital readers and book...

African folk tales re-imagined in 9 different languages

A set of newly reworked African folk tales has been launched on Netflix. The anthology of stories retold by a new generation of six...

Application Now Available for Title VI International Research and Studies Program

The International and Foreign Language Education (IFLE) Office of the U.S. Department of Education is pleased to announce the opening of the competition for fiscal...

Study Shows Brain’s Innate Capacity for Reading

The human brain is predisposed to visualizing words, even before individuals acquire literacy, according to a team of...

Unrest as Corsican Court Bans its Own Language in Parliament

The French island of Corsica is in a state of turmoil after a court in the main city of Bastia banned the use of...

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