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Celebrate International Education Week

Today marks the beginning of the 15th annual International Education Week – an opportunity to celebrate international education and global exchange. This joint initiative of...

Fun Ideas for Family Literacy Month

November is Family Literacy Month, and the National Center for Families Learning is promoting their guide to 30 Days of Families Learning. The...

Sex, Chocolate, and Vocab

Learning new words stimulates the same brain center as such long-proven means of deriving pleasure, as having sex, gambling or eating chocolate, according to...

British Language Festival Launches

The British Academy and the Guardian newspaper are currently hosting the 2014Language Festival with the Born Global Symposia at the Language Show Live in London....

Arabic Promotion Pact

THE Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the United Arab Emirates has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), with the Society for...

Ebola Prevention Lost in Translation

In the midst of the worst Ebola outbreak in history, and cases of Ebola turning up around the world, information about disease prevention is...

World Languages at the Emmys and Oscars

Spanish-language programs are celebrating their nominations in a newly-created category at the International Emmy Awards for Non-English Language U.S. Primetime Program. Telemundo and Nat...

Anti-Immigrant Group Highlights U.S. Bilingualism

The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) has released a new report based on recently-released Census Bureau data from the 2013 American Community Survey (ACS),...

Four New Title VI LRCs Announced

Dept. of Ed discontinues grants to three LRCs as it funds four new centers. The U.S. Department of Education has announced grants for Language Resource...

Poetry Festival Celebrates 12 American Languages

The Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México is preparing for the sixth Festival de Poesía Las Lenguas de América, Carlos Montemayor (The Languages of America...

Curbing Censorship during Banned Books Week

The American Library Association (ALA) held Banned Books Week from September 21 to 27. Surprisingly, the ALA reports that since 1990, their Office for...

PM Modi Wants Japanese in India

Japan and India to forge exchanges to prepare for Asia's century. On his first trip to Japan as India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi stressed the...

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