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UK Push to Train Language Teachers

Despite Brexit–or maybe because of it–there is a desperate shortage of world language teachers in the UK, so the government is launching a program to train native speakers of French, German, and Spanish to become teachers. The plan is to create opportunities for people with linguistic skills, whether they are living in the UK or elsewhere in Europe. “There may be people who speak French, German, or Spanish – in the UK or abroad – who would like to consider a career change and go into teaching,” said Gaynor Jones, director of the National Modern Languages SCITT (School Centred Initial Teacher Training). “For some, it could be an opportunity to experience a different culture as well as using their talents for the benefit of students keen to learn a new language.

Texas Bill SB4 Threatens Vulnerable Students

With the recent approval of Texas Senate Bill 4, many of the state's most vulnerable students will face new obstacles accessing the education they need to become contributors to our society. The bill, which was signed into law during a Facebook Live broadcast on Sunday afternoon by Governor Greg Abbot, puts a startling halt to "sanctuary cities" and the security they provide to the parents of documented and undocumented children in Texas.

Court Seeks to Restore Ukrainian in Crimea

From 2013 to 2016, the number of students in Crimea in classes with Ukrainian as the language of instruction dropped from 13,589 to just 371 in 2016, according to a report by the Crimean Human Rights Group, an independent organization, citing data from Crimea’s Education Ministry. Human Rights Watch, a well-respected, nonprofit, nongovernmental human rights organization, spoke to parents who said that officials of the schools their children attend pressured them not to enroll their children in classes with Ukrainian as the language of instruction and then cut those classes from the curriculum because there allegedly were not enough pupils.

Indigenous Children the Focus in New Animated Series

Australia’s National Indigenous Television channel (NITV) has launched a new animated series that brings Indigenous issues to the forefront in a novel way for...

Quebec French Tests Challenged

Quebec’s Ministry of Immigration, Diversity, and Inclusiveness has been accused of using French test results as an excuse to violate the constitutional rights of...

Hong Kong Asked to Prove Mandarin Instruction Works

Hong Kong’s Audit Commission has asked the Education Bureau to prove the effectiveness of using Standard Mandarin (or Putonghua) as the medium of instruction...

Calls to Promote and Protect Arabic

In Abu Dhabi, Shaikh Nahyan Bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, minister of Culture and Knowledge Development, told the Federal National Council (FNC)-the legislature of the...

Kazakhstan Spells Out Script Swap

Kazakhstan's President Nazarbayev has announced a timeline to switch the country's writing system over from the Cyrillic to the Latin script with full implementation...

Senate Votes to Roll Back ESSA

Despite a passionate appeal by Senator Elizabeth Warren, the U.S. Senate has voted in...

Shooting in the Dark

The administration’s proposed FY 2018 budget seeks to cut the Education Department’s $68 billion budget by $9 billion, or 13%, while increasing defense spending...

Parallel Learning Lines

Languages Develop Simultaneously  But Independently in Young Bilinguals A new study of Spanish-English bilingual children by researchers at Florida Atlantic University published in the journal Developmental...

Prince Edward Island Fighting to Support French

One of eastern Canada’s maritime provinces off New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island (PEI), is fighting to protect French language schools...

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