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Science & Technology

HomenewsScience & Technology

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The New Digital Divide

Keith Oelrich argues that teacher preparation and curriculum design are the keys to closing the digital technological opportunity gap A Gap Emerges In the mid-’90s, as...

Indian Bilinguals Humanizing Virtual Assistants

To improve the functionality of Cortana, its voice-powered virtual assistant, Microsoft is turning...

Competition Launches Arabic Literacy Apps for War-Affected Syrian Children

Antura and the Letters and Feed the Monster, the two winners of the EduApp4Syria innovation competition, were announced today and then released worldwide as...

Late-Learner Bilinguals Perform Similar to Native Speakers

A new study, titled “Late Bilinguals Are Sensitive to Unique Aspects...

Virtual Learning a Reality

ATi Studios has released a virtual reality app for language education to combine the artificial-intelligence technology behind chatbots with speech recognition in virtual reality....

Competition Launches Arabic Literacy Apps for War-Affected Syrian Children

Antura and the Letters and Feed the Monster, the two winners of the EduApp4Syria innovation competition, were announced today and then released worldwide as...

Poly Aims to Share ALL the World’s Languages

Poly began after a successful Kickstarter campaign last year as an open source, modern software built to share and learn languages in text and...

Speaking of the Ice Age

University of Virginia linguistic anthropologist Mark A. Sicoli and colleagues are applying the latest technology to an ancient mystery: how and when early humans...

Apple’s Siri Learns Shanghainese in Ongoing Race to Dominate Voice-Assist

Last week we saw the release of Google Assistant, an electronic assistant that...

Sign-Language Leads to Better Peripheral Vision

A new report in Frontiers in Psychology found that deaf adults who use British Sign Language (BSL) had significantly faster peripheral vision reaction time...

Language Key to National Identity

A new survey by the Pew Research Center reveals that language is a much more significant factor to national identity than birthplace. According to...

Republicans Introduce Bill to Replace Foreign Language with Coding in Virginia Public Schools

  Glenn R. Davis, R-Virginia Beach of the Virginia House of Delegates has introduced a bill that could essentially eliminate foreign language classes in favor...

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