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Science & Technology

HomenewsScience & Technology

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Framing the Future

Currently, we are in the middle of what some have described as the Great Reset (Rold & DeVries, 2022; World Economic Forum, 2022), driven...

New Key to Fluctuating Language Ability?

For years, the brain has been thought of as a biological computer that processes information through traditional circuits, whereby data zips straight from one...

UNESCO Sees Role of EdTech in Multilingual Learning

The theme of last month’s International Mother Language Day, “Using technology for multilingual learning: Challenges and opportunities,” raised the potential of technology to advance multilingual...

Encouraging Spanish/Portuguese Collaboration

During last month’s Second International Conference on Portuguese and Spanish Languages ​​(CILPE) in the Brazilian capital, Brasilia, leading Ibero-American language experts came together to...

The Metaverse and Language Education

In the 1990s, the animated television series The Magic School Bus became well-known for its louder-than-life main character Ms. Frizzle, who took her...

Dogs Can Differentiate Languages

Dog brains can detect speech and show different activity patterns to familiar and unfamiliar languages, according to a new brain-imaging study published in NeuroImage...

Gestures Can Help Vocabulary Learning

Language educators may find that incorporating gestures or other types of movements in their vocabulary lessons improves learning outcomes, according to a study recently...

Infants Capable of Complex Language Processing

A new study published in Cognition suggests that infants may have more advanced linguistic understanding than previously believed. Conducted by a team of researchers...

Navajo Goes Extraterrestrial

The first scientific focus of NASA’s Perseverance rover is a rock named “Máaz” – the Navajo word for “Mars.” The rover’s team, in collaboration...

Naked Mole Rats Communicate Complexly

Birds, dolphins, and bees are all well-known within the scientific community for their ability to communicate in ways that resemble human language in one...

‘Shark Tank’ for Language Apps

Next weekend, the Language Flagship Technology Innovation Center (Tech Center) in the College of Arts, Languages & Letters at the University of Hawaiʻi at...

Duolingo Report Suggests Fastest Growing Languages are All Asian

Duolingo’s first-ever Global Language Report was released at the end of 2020, showcasing language learning patterns, trends, and analyses around the world. The data...

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Language Magazine