
Language Teacher vs. Acquisition Facilitator

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Avengers Launches in Lakota

On June 14, Disney+ releases the Lakota-dubbed full-length version of the blockbuster Avengers movie, marking a milestone for Indigenous representation in mainstream media. This...

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Beyond Crises: Imagining Families and Communities

The recent shootings of Asian Americans and whether these will be considered hate crimes, tornadoes ravaging the Southwest and elsewhere, and fears of uncertain...

Study Shows Twins Learn Language Differently

A new study conducted by researchers at Georgia State University and Istanbul Bilgi University suggests that twins undergo language acquisition at a slightly different...

Rumi in the Language Classroom Vol 6: Learner Differences

Rumi in the Language Classroom Series Vol 6 See Vol 1 hereSee Vol 2 hereSee Vol 3 hereSee Vol 4 here See Vol 5 here In...

Los Angeles Gives Extra $700M to Schools Most in Need

The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Board has voted 6-1 to distribute an additional $700 million in the 2021-22 academic year to schools...

Call for Sweden to Recognize Elfdalian

A Swedish parliamentary representative is calling for action to preserve an extremely vulnerable language spoken in Sweden’s forested countryside: Elfdalian (älvdalska in Swedish and...

Help Fund World Language Education

Funding for the World Language Advancement and Readiness Act (WLARA) Grants Program is critical. Reach out to your Senators and ask them to sign...

‘Iconic’ Sounds May Be Missing Link to Language

The missing link that helped our ancestors to begin...

Every Summer Counts

The largest and longest study of its kind on summer learning programs reveals short- and long-term benefits among students who consistently attended voluntary, five-...

Summer Learning to Help Students Most Impacted by the Pandemic

At the end of April, the U.S. Department of Education (ED) launched the Summer Learning & Enrichment Collaborative, providing support to 46 states, the...

“Who You Be?”: Welcoming in the Language of Critical Love

(May 2021) Shekema S. Dunlap, Millicent Carmouche, and Natasha Thornton share the power of being in African American language

Call to Make Portuguese Official Language of UN

Ahead of the celebration of Portuguese Language Day on May 5, Portugal’s minister of foreign affairs, Augusto Santos Silva, said that Portugal is continuing...

U.S. Guide to Exemplary Language Programs Wins $500K Grant

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded a $500,000 grant to support the efforts of the America’s Languages Working Group in building the Guide...

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