
Language Teacher vs. Acquisition Facilitator

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Young Russians Learning Chinese

According to a report last month in China Daily, “The surge in demand for Chinese lessons in Russia reflects the nation’s shift toward the...

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Canadian Language Legislation Could Hinder Indigenous Workers

Proposed changes to Canada’s Official Languages Act are likely to create more “arbitrary barriers” for Indigenous people hoping to work in federal institutions and...

Budget Compromise Ditches Child Tax Credit, Increases Education Spend

To secure the minimum of ten Republican votes to avoid a filibuster, Democrats were forced to abandon some priorities, including reauthorization of the Child...

Canada’s Census Prompts Bilingual Education Plans

Last month, Canada’s commissioner of official languages Raymond Théberge reacted to the release of the latest Census data related to official languages by recommending...

Arabic Teaching Hub Opens in Abu Dhabi

Zayed University in Abu Dhabi has launched an Arabic education hub to help the Emirates’ drive to encourage wider use of the language. The...

UNESCO Commits to Inclusive Multilingual Education

“Language is a tool, but the goal is not simply to exchange one language for another but to have an educational and social project,”...

French-Speaking World Connects in Tunisia

The 18th Summit of La Francophonie, held in Djerba, Tunisia, last month, attracted national leaders from an array of French-speaking countries who worked together...

Keying In K–12 Equity

This is the fourth school year educators, students, families, and administrators will be impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. While recent data from NWEA shows...

Congressman Panetta Becomes America’s Languages Caucus Co-Chair

The Joint National Committee for Languages has announced Representative Jimmy Panetta (D-California 20) as the new House co-chair of the America’s Languages Caucus.The America’s...

Spanish Controversies in the US

Political Misinformation During last month’s midterm elections, misinformation and conspiracy theories were circulating among Spanish-speaking communities, especially in South Florida, raising fears that they could...

Young Readers Struggle in Different Ways

Many children struggle to learn to read, and...

Word of the Year: Gaslighting… Honestly!

In this age of misinformation—of “fake news,” conspiracy theories, Twitter trolls, and deepfakes—gaslighting has emerged as a word for our time. A driver of disorientation...

Michigan Bans Non-English Books from State Prisons

In June, National Public Radio reported that Michigan prisons were banning prisoners from accessing certain books and dictionaries in languages other than English. Michigan prison...

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