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Biden Pledges to Double Number of US Students in Rest of Americas

During today’s press conference, launching President Obama’s 100,000 Strong in the Americas initiative: Vice President Joe Biden confirmed that the plan was to double...

U.S. Education Department ‘Failing English Learners’

U.S. students who speak a language other than English at home and are still learning English have received scant support from the federal Department...

Second Minnesota District Offers World Language Certificate

Rochester Public Schools is joining Minneapolis by offering seniors with bilingual ability the opportunity to earn a world language certificate that will count toward...

Former English Learner Takes Reins at NYC Schools

New York’s new Mayor, Bill de Blasio, lost no time in announcing his appointment of Carmen Fariña as Schools Chancellor before he even took...

California Invites Public Comment on English Framework

Californians are being invited to comment on their state’s first framework based on the Common Core State Standards for English language arts. The English Language...

World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) Award Deadline

The deadline for submissions for the 2014 WISE Awards is 13.00 GMT January 15, 2014. Six innovative educational projects will be awarded $20,000 each...

Dec 18: Arabic Language Day

Celebrations are taking place across the Arabic-speaking world to mark World Arabic Language Day, which is observed on December 18 - the date on...

Principals Still to Integrate Common Core for ELLs

According to a survey of more than a thousand elementary and middle school principals, over 70% have not taken action to integrate the Common...

Guadelupe Day

For Spanish Teachers: Today, December 12, is Guadalupe Day. Janice Holter Kittok has adapted the Virgen de Guadalupe story for novice-level Spanish learners. Knowing...

Spanish, Arabic, French & Chinese Most Needed in UK

UK Report Identifies Language Needs Last month, the British Council published a report calling on UK policymakers to introduce a broader range of languages into...

US Education Secretary Supports Languages for All

"Today, a nation's prosperity depends on its people's ability to thrive in the global marketplace. This is true for the U.S. and for our...

Digital Literacy ‘as Important as Reading and Writing’ ?

“Becoming literate in how the technical world works is equivalent to reading, writing and maths. We need to look at this fourth literacy as...

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Language Magazine