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Turkish at Crossroads between Europe and Asia

Last week, Turkey’s National Education Council voted to make the teaching of Ottoman Turkish compulsory in high schools. In 1928, Ataturk, the founder of...

ELLs ‘Disconnected’ from Mainstream Content

Research that explores the relationship between school-district infrastructure in new-immigrant destinations and the marginalization of English-language learners (ELLs) in those districts shows that in...

Learning Languages Modifies Brain Network

According to a Sino-American study published recently in the Journal of Neurolinguistics, learning a new language changes your brain network both structurally and functionally. "Learning...

China Punishes Wordplay

You can’t speak pǔntōnghuà in China. The Chinese Administration of Radio, Press, and Publications is not amused by rampant puns in advertising, television and the...

Comedian Named UK Language Champion

Emmy award-winning comedian and actor Eddie Izzard has been chosen as the UK’s 2014 “public language champion” by judges from The Guardian newspaper and...

Texts Increase Parental Involvement

Parent involvement in literacy varies widely by household, but a new study by Stanford researchers shows that an early literacy text messaging program for...

Immigration ‘Raising Academic Standards’

The British education minister, Nick Gibb, is insisting that immigration is raising academic standards in the UK because pupils who speak English as a...

Bilinguals Better Equipped to Process Information

Speaking more than one language is good for the brain, according to new research that indicates bilingual speakers process information more efficiently and...

New U.S. ‘World-Readiness’ Standards

The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) in conjunction with its partner organizations of the Standards Collaborative Board, will introduce the...

Celebrate International Education Week

Today marks the beginning of the 15th annual International Education Week – an opportunity to celebrate international education and global exchange. This joint initiative of...

Fun Ideas for Family Literacy Month

November is Family Literacy Month, and the National Center for Families Learning is promoting their guide to 30 Days of Families Learning. The...

Sex, Chocolate, and Vocab

Learning new words stimulates the same brain center as such long-proven means of deriving pleasure, as having sex, gambling or eating chocolate, according to...

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Language Magazine