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Majority of US School Kids ‘Low Income’

For the first time in recent history, a majority of the schoolchildren attending U.S. public schools come from low income families, according to a...

Words of 2014 Expose Vapid Culture

Merriam-Webster named culture in all of its definitions as its word of the year for 2014, saying that culture was a "big word at...

Words of 2014 Expose Vapid Culture

Merriam-Webster named culture in all of its definitions as its word of the year for 2014, saying that culture was a "big word at...

Links that Speak

A new study mapping the flow of information online, and through book translations, found the languages that reach the most linguistically diverse readership tend to...

Rwanda Sued over Lack of French

Rwandan opposition party has filed a lawsuit with the central African nation's Supreme Court accusing the government of deliberately sidelining the French language in...

How does mother tongue affect second language acquisition?

A new study is exploring how a person’s native language can influence the way the brain processes auditory words in a second language. Because cues...

Tell the President how to improve US immigration

President Obama has issued a new directive for his Administration to seek out ways to modernize and streamline the U.S. immigration system within existing...

China to train 30,000 overseas language teachers by 2017

Earlier this month, plans to train about 30,000 overseas Chinese teachers by the end of 2017 were announced at the Third World Chinese Language...

Turkish at Crossroads between Europe and Asia

Last week, Turkey’s National Education Council voted to make the teaching of Ottoman Turkish compulsory in high schools. In 1928, Ataturk, the founder of...

ELLs ‘Disconnected’ from Mainstream Content

Research that explores the relationship between school-district infrastructure in new-immigrant destinations and the marginalization of English-language learners (ELLs) in those districts shows that in...

Learning Languages Modifies Brain Network

According to a Sino-American study published recently in the Journal of Neurolinguistics, learning a new language changes your brain network both structurally and functionally. "Learning...

China Punishes Wordplay

You can’t speak pǔntōnghuà in China. The Chinese Administration of Radio, Press, and Publications is not amused by rampant puns in advertising, television and the...

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