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Toolkit for Schools to Help Undocumented Students

The Dream Educational Empowerment Program (DEEP) has released a 65-page National Institutions Coming Out Day Toolkit in preparation for the National Institutions Coming Out...

Feds Remind Educators of ELL Obligations

The U.S. Departments of Education (ED) and Justice (DOJ) have released joint guidance reminding states, school districts, and schools of their obligations under federal...

Chimps Learn the Local Language

When humans move to a new place, they oftentimes learn the local way of speaking, whether picking up some of the local language or...

New Federal Language Education Survey

With funding from The Language Flagship at the Defense Language and National Security Education Office (DLNSEO), the American Councils Research Center (ARC), the research...

Study Abroad Campaign for K-12 Teachers

Today, the Institute of International Education (IIE) is officially launching a new campaign to recruit 1,000 K-12 teachers to join Generation Study Abroad, a...

Preserving Uchinaguchi through Cultural Capital

The culture of Okinawa, Japan is quite distinct from other Japanese islands. It became a part of Japan in 1879, but has a strong...

What does Bill Gates regret?

This week in an online Reddit chat, Bill Gates revealed his main regret: “I feel pretty stupid that I don't know any foreign languages. I...

Calling all bilingual college students! Your chance to address the United Nations!

MANY LANGUAGES, ONE WORLD 2015 Student Essay Contest and Global Youth Forum Seventy students will be selected as delegates to the 2015 United Nations Academic...

Tonal Languages Like It Hot and Humid

A new report published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America links the evolution of tonal...

Quebecer is 2015 TESOL Teacher of the Year

TESOL International Association and National Geographic Learning have announced that Sherry Blok of Montreal, Quebec, Canada, will receive the 2015 TESOL Teacher of the...

GOP Supports Immigration Reform in Spanish Only

For the third year in a row, the Republican Party delivered a Spanish-language response to the President’s State of the Union address. However, for...

California Needs an English Learner Advocate

Language Magazine is lending its support to twenty Californian education, social justice, and civil rights organizations encouraging the state’s governor, Jerry Brown to appoint...

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Language Magazine