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Arizona’s Exodus of Educators

According to a 2015 report by the Arizona Department of Education thousands of teachers have left the state over the last five years, with...

Sephardic Jews Learn Spanish Language for Citizenship

A government decision in 2012 started an official dialogue offering Spanish citizenship to Sephardic Jews in compensation for their ancestor’s expulsion from Spain during...

Middlebury’s Language Schools Turn 100

The Middlebury Language Schools celebrate their 100th anniversary this year and will be celebrating with academic and festive events from July 15-19 at both...

Dual Language Programs Benefit ELLs

Parents of English languages learners (ELLs) often place their children in English language based classroom in hopes that they will pick up the language,...

Irish Revival Stalls

Irish language fluency was a requirement for anyone appointed to civil service positions in the Republic of Ireland until the Language Freedom Movement in...

Preserving the Critically Endangered N|uu Language

N|uu is the language of the San people, who were the first hunter-gatherers in southern Africa. The language has 112 distinct sounds including 45...

The Icelandic Language, Nationalism, and the Internet

In 2013, a paper by András Kornai entitled “Digital Language Death” estimated that only 5% of the world's languages would ascend into the digital...

Spanish Prevails in Miami Schools

The Miami-Dade School district in Florida is postponing a scheduled change in the methodology of teaching foreign languages, namely Spanish. Superintendent Alberto Carvalho’s original...

China’s Demand for Spanish Skyrocketing

Lu Jingsheng, the Chinese government’s National Coordinator for Spanish, said that in the last fifteen years the demand for Spanish language education in China...

Information Inequality and the Languages of the Internet

The Guardian recently published an interactive guide by Holly Young, editor of the Case for Language Learning series on education, that details how language...

Immigrant Heritage Month

Language Magazine is proud to support the 2nd Annual Immigrant Heritage Month Joining Nationwide Effort to Highlight Immigrant Impact on History and Future of...

Putin’s Language Policy

While France's Minister of Culture decided that fighting the inclusion of foreign words was hurting, rather than preserving, the French language, Russia remains resistant....

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Language Magazine