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Unpacking the Box

Technology has become so prevalent in modern, mainstream educational systems over the last few years that it now seems redundant to consider EdTech as...

The Creativity of Human Language

Richard Lederer marvels at our capacity to invent language For most of us, language is like the air we breathe. Like air, language is invisible...

Sharing Study Abroad

The recent college admissions scandal has focused much of the nation on the competition for places at top U.S. universities, and the extreme measures...

Heritage Values

Last month, the United Nations and people around the globe celebrated International Mother Language Day by focusing on the movements to restore the status...

Investing in Teachers

Despite multiple studies pointing to teacher professional development as being the most decisive factor in student achievement, funding for such programs can still be...

Diverse Reasons for Optimism

As we start a new year, it’s usually a good time to reflect upon the progress and shortfalls of the previous year while planning...

Electing Education

During last month’s midterm elections, education reform was a big issue in many races across the nation. The creation of more charter schools is...

Cartoons and Comic Strips Shape Our Language

Richard Lederer is inspired by his hometown festival dedicated to cartoon characters San Diego Comic-Con is the largest gathering of comics and pop culture enthusiasts...

Standardized Testing Detriment to Minority Children

Over the last year or so, the movement against high-stakes standardized testing has subsided, maybe due to educational activists focusing their attention on more...

Reading Your Rights

The first federal civil-rights lawsuit in U.S. history to secure the right of access to literacy is currently being argued in Michigan (see News,...

Cartoons and Comic Strips Shape Our Language

Richard Lederer is inspired by his hometown festival dedicated to cartoon characters from comic strips and comic books   San Diego Comic -Con is the largest...

Keeping the Internet Real

Amid all the talk of fake news, misinformation, and abuse of personal information, the...

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Language Magazine