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U.S. Announces $37 Million Contribution to ‘Education Cannot Wait (ECW)’

Administrator Samantha Power announced the United States, through USAID and the U.S. Department of State, will contribute an additional $37 million to Education Cannot...

‘Teachers at the Heart of Education Recovery’

October 5 is World Teacher's Day and this year's theme is "Teachers at the heart of education recovery." The day commemorates the anniversary of...

House Offers Support to Seal of Bilingual Education

In what is being hailed as a major step forward for language education across the United States, the House of Representatives voted to approve...

Two-Thirds of States Receive Relief Fund Balance

At the end of August, the U.S. Department of Education approved Minnesota’s American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) plan...

Emphasizing the Needs of Hispanic Students

The Florida Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents (FL-ALAS) helps to transform educational institutions across the state of Florida by seeking to ensure that...

Most Four-Year Schools Drop Admission Tests

A recent FairTest tally finds that more than 1,600 four-year schools will not require students to submit ACT/SAT scores to be considered for fall...

House Committee Supports Seal of Biliteracy

The House Committee on Appropriations has affirmed its support for implementing and providing funding for Seal of Biliteracy programs across the U.S. in its...

Illinois bilingual education teacher elected to NEA’s Executive Committee

A bilingual education teacher from Frankfort, Ill., was elected to serve on NEA’s Executive Committee, the highest-level governing body that oversees and helps establish...

Federal Statement in Support of International Education

The U.S. Departments of State and Education have issued a Joint Statement of Principles in Support of International Education, with support from the Departments...

Beyond Crises: The Reawakening of Classrooms

It’s summer 2021 and as educators, we might be thinking beyond crises and concentrating on the extent to which the transformation of our practices...

Debating the Digital Divide

Yaritza was suspended in seventh grade for punching a boy in the nose. He had called her a dull-witted donkey, not quite in those...

Reading under Lockdown

Each year, Renaissance releases the What Kids Are Reading report, and each year it grows by leaps and bounds.1 This year’s report looked at...

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Language Magazine