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Re-Gifted Reading

Stephen Krashen finds an easy way to help close the achievement gap in literacy and clean up clutter at the same time There is overwhelming...

California Sued for Literacy Failure

  Yesterday, a group of students, parents, and the advocacy organizations CADRE and Fathers & Families of San Joaquin, represented by Public Counsel and Morrison...

California’s Crossborder Cooperation

Today, California State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson went to Mexico to meet with leaders of Baja California’s education system, to increase cooperation,...

Massachusetts Restores Bilingual Education

Massachusetts’ Republican Governor Charlie Baker has signed the LOOK Bill into law which will allow the state’s schools to offer bilingual and dual-language education....

Diverse Classes Boost Collaborative Skills for All

Exposure to diversity in the classroom tends to be associated with better collaboration skills., according to the first OECD PISA assessment of collaborative problem...

Florida’s ESSA Plan ‘Impedes Progress of ELLs’

The Florida Department of Education’s implementation plan for the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) has been roundly criticized as it relates to English learner...

Bilingual children do find it easier to pick up other languages

It is often claimed that bilinguals are better than monolinguals at learning languages. Now, this hypothesis has found support in a new study of...

Nationwide Disparities in Support for Young ELLs

According to a new report from the Migration Policy Institute (MPI), the support...

Dual Language Learners Lacking in Preschool

The Migration Policy Institute and the National Center on Immigrant Integration Policy have released a new report on the young Dual Language Learner (DLL)...

Tailoring Instruction

Digital assessment helps a California district ( SBCUSD ) to adapt to student needs. By 2025, one in four public school students will be an English language...

US Leaves Education, Science, Culture Organization

Following in President Reagan’s footsteps, the Trump administration has announced the U.S. intention to withdraw from United Nations Educational Scientific Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in...

Can Paraprofessionals Help Solve the Bilingual Teacher Shortage?

In 1992, Liliya Stefoglo came to America from Moldova and found work as...

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Language Magazine