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Children of Immigrants Better Off in North America

According to a new comparison by the OECD, "entrenched disadvantage is less common among the children of immigrants in North America" than in Austria,...

California Goes Global

California’s superintendent of public instruction, Tom Torlakson, has launched Global California 2030, which is a call to action “to vastly expand the teaching and...

Early Language Key to School Success

Kim Echart of the University of Washington News reports on a new study...

Act for a Multilingual America

Leaders from Business, Government, Academia, and the Arts Call for Improved Access to Language...

Immigrant Students Worldwide Need More Support

Socio-economic disadvantage and language barriers are the biggest obstacles to success at school and in society for students with an immigrant background. More effective...

Community Colleges Bring in $2.4 Billion a Year from International Students

The nearly 100,000 international students attending U.S. community colleges during the last academic year contributed $2.4 billion to the U.S. economy and supported more...

Early Language Key to School Success

Kim Echart of the University of Washington News reports on a new study which shows that early use of words and grammar determine...

Writing By Example

Isabel Haller-Gryc recommends using mentor texts to scaffold writing for English learners Writing is a struggle for many people, but it is especially difficult for...

Victory for Arizona Teachers After Walkouts

The teacher walkouts in Arizona have come to an end due to the governor signing a budget bill. ( Arizona Govenor Doug Ducey announced...

Bill Could Fund California DLLs

California Assembly Bill 2514 (Thurmond) Pupil Instruction: Dual Language Grant Program, introduced by Assembly Member Thurmond in February, is sponsored by the California Association...

College Language Enrollments Continue to Fall

According to “Enrollments in Languages Other Than English in United States Institutions of Higher...

Congress Defends Education Spending

The House of Representatives has rejected some significant cuts to federal education spending proposed...

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