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Ed. Dept. Emphasizes Value of World Languages

During November’s International Education Week, the U.S. Department of Education released its revised international education strategy, “Succeeding Globally through International Education and Engagement,” which...

Bilingual Advocate to Head CA Education

Democratic Assemblyman Tony Thurmond managed to come from behind to emerge as California’s new superintendent of public instruction, beating out Marshall Tuck, a fellow...

Germans Give $1.2 Million for English Research

The German Research Foundation (DFG) has granted a Reinhart Koselleck Project to Prof. Dr. Monika Fludernik of the Department of English at the University...

AB 2514 Dual Language Programs Grant Program Passes in California

AB 2514 Pupil Instruction: Dual Language Grant Program was moved to passed in the state Assembly. The bill has officially been moved to ‘enrolling’ status,...

Bill in Congress Aims to Help ELL Teacher Shortage

The Reaching English Learners Act has been introduced in Congress in hopes of creating a solution to the national shortage of ELL teachers. The...

Game Giveaway for Teachers!

In honor of World Teachers’ Day, Goliath Games is giving away free prize packs of games. 5 winners will receive a 14-game prize pack –...

Focus on Student-Centered Learning

In Future-Focused Learning: Ten Essential Shifts of Everyday Practice, published by Solution Tree, author Lee Watanabe-Crockett details how educators can shift instruction to focus...

States’ Commitment to English Learners Examined

Two reports have been submitted to the U.S. Department of Education which examine the extent to which states’ education plans are in step with...

AB-2514 Dual Language Programs Grant Program Passes in California

AB 2514 Pupil Instruction: Dual Language Grant Program was moved to passed in the state Assembly. The bill has officially been moved to ‘enrolling’...

Report Challenges California’s System for Identifying English Learners’ Needs

.Study of local plans identifies key improvements to fix the system   Californians Together is releasing a new report today entitled Masking the Focus on English Learners....

Back and Forth Talk with Adults Improves Language Development Regardless of SES

Study suggests talking with children from an early age could promote language skills regardless of socioeconomic status   Young children who are regularly engaged in conversation...

OELA Reorganization Set for January

A slew of educational advocacy organizations, including TESOL, the Center for Applied Linguistics, American Federation of Teachers, Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents, Joint...

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Language Magazine