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$2.5 Million Grant for University LCTL Programs

Michigan State University has been awarded a four-year, $2.5 million grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to support further development in the research...

Playing With Other Children Affects Toddlers’ Language Skills

According to a new study published in the Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, any toddlers who have more exposure to other children, such as those in...

Report Reveals Lack of Speech and Language Funding in UK

A new report by the Children’s Commissioner for England has revealed that spending on speech and language therapy for children in need of speech...

Keeping That Summer High

Language Magazine offers a brief guide to North American high schools and related summer programs for international students Studying at a U.S. or Canadian high...

ESSA May Harm English Learner Graduates

A report released by the Migration Policy Institute’s National Center on Immigrant Integration Policy, The Unintended Consequences for English Learners of Using the Four-Year Graduation...

Feds Called to Account for Lack of Teacher Diversity

Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos and leaders in Congress have been called to act to address the lack of teacher diversity in our nation’s...

New York Proposes ELL Training for Most Teachers

The New York State Education Department has proposed regulatory changes that would require teacher preparation programs in certain subject areas to dedicate at least...

Brown Can’t Retire at 65

School segregation increasing as we mark 65th anniversary of Brown v Board of Education As the nation marks the 65th anniversary of the landmark Brown v Board of...

U.S. Military Cuts Foreign-Language Institute Funding

According to Foreign Policy, The Trump Administration is slashing funds for the Defense Language Institute’s overseas immersion program in order to divert funds to...

OELA Hosts Multiliteracy Symposium

On May 6, the Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA) hosted a multiliteracy symposium. The theme of the symposium was "Celebrating the Diverse Linguistic...

Celebrate Teachers with Teacher Appreciation!

May 7th National Teacher Day, and May 5-11 is 2019's Teacher Appreciation Week. PTA launched a campaign, #ThankATeacher. They are urging students and education...

Leveled Readers

The benefits of free, voluntary reading are undeniable, but finding books that are interesting and exciting without being too advanced can be a challenge....

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Language Magazine