Indigenous Languages

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Educating Students about the Lived Experience in Canada

Schools across Canada have recognized National Day of Truth and Reconciliation for two years to incorporate the legacy of residential schools into the classroom....


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Name Changes Seen as Plot to Expunge Afrikaans

South Africa’s government is on a name-changing spree—and that’s sparking a fierce language war and fierce feelings. South Africa was colonized by Dutch settlers...

Iñupiaq in Action

This past fall, we were writing animal counting stories in my first-grade class. I had one of the best experiences as I was working...

Educating Students about the Lived Experience in Canada

Schools across Canada have recognized National Day of Truth and Reconciliation for two years to incorporate the legacy of residential schools into the classroom....


Juan does a double take when I mention Joyabaj. “¿De veras?” he asks. We’d been chatting about my recent trip to Guatemala as he...

“Facilitating Spaces for Indigenous Languages and Cultures” Webinar Tomorrow

On October 11, the AATSP will host a webinar entitled "Facilitating spaces for Indigenous languages and cultures: Diverse curricular approaches for the Spanish-language classroom."...

Battle over Te Reo Māori Signs in New Zealand

Plans to introduce bilingual road signs throughout New Zealand have inflamed political tensions and heightened arguments over racial politics in the country’s election race. Last...

African Folk Tales Reimagined in Nine Languages

A set of newly reworked African...

Brazilian constitution to be translated into Indigenous language

Brazil will soon have a copy of its 1988 Constitution in an Indigenous language. A team of 15 translators are currently working on translating the...

Office of Hawaiian Affairs awards grants for preserving language

In the last month, the Office for Hawaiian affairs has awarded several substantial grants to community organizations for the specific purpose of preserving the...

Loss of Language Diversity Accelerating

There’s an ongoing crisis in the field of...

Navajo University Offers First PhD in Diné

A tribal university on the largest Native American reservation in the US has become the first of more than 30 accredited tribal colleges across...

Guam Celebrates Mes CHamoru by learning the language

On this year’s Mes CHamoru, or ‘Chamorro Heritage Day’ native Guam islanders asked people to celebrate by learning the CHamoru language. Despite changing over time,...

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