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New York Times Launches Free en Español App

The New York Times has introduced an NYT en Español edition of its news app for Android that features all of the content available...

Taiwan to Protect Indigenous Languages

Taiwan’s president Tsai Ing-wen has issued the first apology in the country’s history to its indigenous people. Tsai took office in May amid expectations...

German Olympics

International language learners gather each year to compete in a German language competition: the Internationale Deutscholympiade. The competition takes place in a different German...

Millions for Linguistic Research

The Institute of Education Sciences has granted more than $100 million for education research across a wide array of subjects and topics. Over one-fourth...

Language Bias

Programmers for Google have discovered sexist bias in their machine-induced word embeddings. There are many nuances and implications tied up in language. Not only do...


The ISLS Family Spanish Camp is the only one of its kind in all of Latin America. It is designed for parents who want...

Si Puebla

The Spanish Institute is a highly regarded Spanish Language School, specialized in teaching the Spanish language and its culture through 8 levels (3 weeks...

Toward Biliteracy: Spanish and Californian Trajectories

As Californian demands grow for biliteracy, Cynthia García Dehbozorgi and Nehemias Giménez García compare the state’s initiatives to those of Spain Surprisingly, one of the oldest bilingual-education programs in...

ESEA Reauthorization Does More for ELLs

The Reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) has officially been released, an earlier draft of which was criticized for not providing critical protections...

Bilingualism Boosts U.S. Labor Market

Bilinguals, who can read and write in English and their native language, drop out of high school at lower rates, enter higher status occupations,...

Dual-language Programs Improve Reading Skills

According to a recent study, the first of its kind and scale, students enrolled in dual-language immersions programs, in which students are taught in both...

Skills for a Multilingual, Global Learning Community

Edynn Sato offers strategies for educators to help multilingual learners develop academic literacies and succeed across multiple academic disciplines and contexts In our increasingly diverse and...

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Language Magazine