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Studies Highlight Success of Head Start

New studies from UC Berkeley, Georgetown University, and the Hamilton Project at Brookings reveal that Head Start—the nation’s oldest and largest early education program...

September 2016

In Our September Issue:  Stressing Classy Communication Margo Gottlieb and Gisela Ernst-Slavit know that academic language is important for all students and essential for English language...

How Language Affects Color Vision

How much does word Blue affect the color blue? More than you may have thought... While it may be surprising, humans’ ability to detect color...

Deaf Artist Creates Visual Art about ASL

Artist Christine Sun Kim was born deaf, and throughout her life thought that sound was only for able-hearing people. When she began making art...

Blending to Test

Julie Damron and Jennifer Quinlan assess student outcomes in the blended classroom Located in Provo, Utah, Brigham Young University (BYU) is a private institution with...

Bilingual-that’s HOT!

Forget dieting or styling your hair-learn another language! Americans and Brits find multilingualism attractive in different ways, according to Babbel's Perception of Languages Survey. Babbel...

Californians Favor English Plus Another Language

California voters both prioritize the learning of English and recognize the value of speaking more than one language, according to a new study of...

Tools for School

A bumper crop of resources to help make the new academic year a success Amazon Inspire Amazon Inspire is a free service for searching for, discovering, and...

Respect My Name

Campaign to encourage correct pronunciation of students' names seeks support My Name, My Identity: A Declaration of Self is an initiative created by the Santa...

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and English Language Learners (ELLs)

Dr. Wayne E. Wright, Purdue University professor and author of Foundations for Teaching English Language Learners (2015, Caslon Publishing), addresses how the new ESSA...

Early Spanish Learning Leads to Better English

Preschool skills are transferred from one language to the other New research from the University of Missouri shows that Spanish-speaking preschoolers experience significant improvements in...

Views on Turkey’s Educator Purge

Last month, Language Magazine published an article outlining the draconian measures being taken by the Turkish government against teachers in the wake of the...

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Language Magazine