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Study Finds Visual Rhythms in Sign Language

A new study has found that patterns exist within the visual structure of...

Senate Considers Reclassification for ELL’s

The senate is considering updating the criteria for reclassification for English Language Learners (ELL’s)...

Murals Teach Education is Not a Crime

Changing the World, One Wall at a Time is a new documentary on Education...

Drawing on Ideas for Language Learners

Mark Oronzio suggests concept-mapping strategies for language learners For more than 40 years, education researchers...

The New Digital Divide

Keith Oelrich argues that teacher preparation and curriculum design are the keys to closing the digital technological opportunity gap A Gap Emerges In the mid-’90s, as...

Mass. House Pushes For Diversity in ELL Teaching

Last week, the Massachusetts House passed a bill that would eliminate “one size fits all” teaching for English Language Learners ( ELL ). The...

Boom Predicted for Cloud-based Language Learning

According to a new report by Transparency Market Solutions the value of the cloud-based...

Kids & Teens, Help Others this Summer & Get $500

Disney is Supporting Hundreds of Youth-Led Service Projects with $500 Grants Youth Service America (YSA) and The Walt Disney Company are encouraging kids and families...


Covering 4,300 km (2,700 miles) of the western coast of South America, Chile is situated between the Andes and the Pacific Ocean. From the...

Teaching Tools

To coincide with this month’s annual conference of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), here is a selection of some of the...

Mother Language Dictates Reading Strategy

Research Offers Insight to the Way ELLs Learn to Read

Adult-Acquired Bilingualism Benefits the Aging Brain

New research reveals that bilingualism has a positive effect on cognition later in life. Findings published in Annals of Neurology, a journal of the...

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Language Magazine