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Bilinguals Single Out Second Language While Reading

Reading and speaking in a second language can be difficult, especially when the second...

Advancing English Learner Equity in Math

Report Shows Promising Practices in California and Offers Key Recommendations A new report from...

Revolutionize Reading Instruction!

David Boulton suggests a solution for low literacy rates in America     Plain Text Below The number one cause of low literacy in America is the archaic...

Reports Highlight Mother-Language Use and ‘Superdiverse’ Classrooms

Two reports released by the Migration Policy Institute’s National Center on Immigrant Integration Policy...

2019: Year of ‘Spanish Language’

Last month, Spain’s culture minister Íñigo...

A Minority within a Minority

Elizabeth Jenner and Maria Konkel work...

Spanish with a Mayan Touch

Language Magazine explores tempting immersion Spanish programs in the diverse landscapes of Mexico and Guatemala MEXICO Lengua & Cultura Spanish School Lengua & Cultura is a Spanish...

Call to Restrict Arabic in Danish Schools

The anti-immigration Danish People’s Party (DF) has effectively called for a ban on schools teaching Arabic with a proposal to Parliament that private schools...

Year-Round Reading

Michael Haggen explains how summer reading is an integral and achievable part of every district’s comprehensive literacy plan With the end of another school year...

Why UDL Matters for English Language Learners

Katie Novak explains why the implementation of universal design for learning (UDL) is best practice to increase engagement in all students In 1922, my grandmother...

Latino Teachers’ Perspectives

To build and maintain a teacher workforce that is representative and capable of serving an increasingly diverse student population, district leaders must pay as...

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Language Magazine