

Demystifying Dyslexia

Often, schools under-identify multilinguals with dyslexia because they think the issue is language-based, so they don’t evaluate the student. There are places where multilingual students are overrepresented because we think we’ve given them the right kind of intervention when we actually haven’t. So, the relationship between multilingual students and special education is complicated.

Make a Plan for Oracy

Paving Pathways for Multilinguals

Career and technical education (CTE) courses and programs...

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Climbing the HILL Together

LEP? ELL? ML? What’s in a Name? Popular belief has held and continues to hold the image of the teacher of English language learners/multilingual...

­­­Immigration: Bringing Backgrounds to the Foreground

Immigration is one of the most complex phenomena...

Listen to the Bilingual Science!

Two years ago, we (Dual Language Education of...

Building Biliteracy

Transfer is important in all learning, but it...


We are overjoyed to be back in Salamanca for the 105th AATSP Annual Conference. Salamanca is a perfect place for us to acknowledge history...

Making (Language) Data CUTE:Comprehensible, Usable,Timely, and Empowering – Part I

(July 2023) Ayanna Cooper explains how we need the right data as a tool for equitable instruction

Teaching Heritage Speakers

In the US, “heritage speakers” are students who...

SEL Assessment Doesn’t Translate

As well as learning academically, today’s students are learning their place in the world, who they are, and how to make and nurture friendships....

To Cue or Not to Cue: Is That the Question?

Whenever we hear an educator begin a statement...

Bringing Backgrounds to the Foreground

Immigration is one of the most complex phenomena of our current century. There are many reasons why people, either voluntarily or involuntarily, leave their...

What We Say and How We Say It

Even behind masks or through a screen, the...

Positioning Multilingual Learners for Success

When you were a young reader, did you connect with the books you read and...

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Language Magazine