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Children’s Rights to Read Pledge

More than 1,000 individuals and organizations, representing over 50 countries; 30 organizations; 20 schools, districts, and universities; and 175,000 students, have pledged support to...

Changing It Up

Pam Allyn and Carol  Chanter offer four ways to transform the  professional  learning experience “So many of the teachers in my large district need more professional...

Bill May Relax AZ English Immersion

2/19/19 UPDATE: Arizona’s House Education Committee has unanimously approved HCR 2026, which would give Arizona voters the opportunity to repeal the state’s English-only instruction...

Apply Now for Study Abroad Diversity Scholarships

American Councils for International Education is offering three Presidential Diversity Scholarships for Summer 2019 in the amount of $3,000.The American Councils Diversity Scholarship Fund...

Cooperative Construction

Andrea Honigsfeld and Maria Dove examine the architecture of co-assessment practices for English learners The topic of assessment often weighs heavily on the shoulders of...

A Time for Reflection

Ingrid T. Colón argues that self-examination is critical for dual-language educators Historically, in the U.S., deficit perspectives about linguistically diverse students have dominated the conversation. Fortunately,...

Preschool Reading Boosts Language Skills by Eight Months

A new review of existing research finds that receptive language skills—the ability to understand information – are improved by the equivalent of eight...

‘UNConference’ Highlights Professionalism of Language Contractors

The Association of Language Companies (ALC) will be hosting its annual UNConference January 17-19, in Huntington Beach, California. While this gathering of the brightest minds and...

Bridging the Gap Between Awareness and Action

Trey Calvin explains how to advocate for America’s languages Imagine if we thought about math the same way we think about world languages in our...

International Year of Indigenous Languages Website is Launched

The International Day of the World's Indigenous People's is well-timed for UNESCO to launch a special website (link is external) dedicated to the International...

A Statistically Significant Success Story

Kate Kinsella and Theresa Hancock offer a compelling story about a successful program that put hundreds of adolescent English learners on the pathway to...

Study Abroad Reaches New Highs

The latest Open Doors report shows record numbers of students are studying abroad but new international enrollments in the U.S. are dropping The number of...

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Language Magazine