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Seal of Biliteracy Goes Global

Linda Egnatz is impassioned by the expanding reach and motivating power of the Seal of Biliteracy When someone in the language learning field asks, “What...

Alaska’s First and Second

Daniel Ward asks Brandon Locke and Victor Santos to discuss how Anchorage School District is leading the revitalization of the U.S.’ second-most widely spoken...

Multilingual Matters

The Royal Academy of the Spanish Language which is one of the authorities regulating and preserving the changes that occur in the ...

Bilingual Children Adapt to Others’ Needs Better

Bilingual children adapt to the needs of their communication partners better than monolingual children, according to a study published in Child Development, because children...

¡Qué Rico!

Costa Rica packs a multitude of experiences for the Spanish immersion student into a small, friendly, happy country Visit Costa Rica’s official tourism site...

How To Boost Your Resume By Relocating To Asia

60% of employers consider international experience when hiring and promoting employees, according to the International Institute of Education. Spending an extended time abroad forces...

Language Advocacy For the Children’s Sake

Kathleen Stein-Smith believes that we need to shift paradigms in world language education and advocacy In addition to providing academic and cognitive benefits, knowledge of...

Costa Rican Spanish

Like most places, Costa Rica has its own unique words, phrases, and uses of language, so even fluent Spanish speakers can learn something new ¡Pura...

Acquiring Academic Literacy from the Inside

Throughout the U.S., there is a sizeable population of international students from mainland China studying at colleges and universities. Among the varied...

Spanish Schools in Costa Rica

https://www.academiatica.com/ https://www.spanish-wayra.co.cr/cms/ http://www.cpi-edu.com/

From Language Skills to Teaching Prowess

There are many paths to becoming a teacher of a second or foreign language: for some, it’s the natural progression from studying a language;...

Reaching English Learners Act Gains Support

TESOL International Association has pledged its support for the bipartisan Reaching English Learners Act (H.R. 1153, S. 5​45). The legislation would create a grant...

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Language Magazine