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California Receives $37.5 Million Literacy Grant

In November, the California Department of Education (CDE) was awarded a $37.5 million federal Comprehensive Literacy State Development grant which will allow for the...

Luján, Members of Congress, Advocates Celebrate Passage of Bill to Revitalize Native Languages

Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. House Assistant Speaker Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.), Members of Congress, and advocates celebrate the passage of the Esther Martinez Native American...

Rigorous Reading

Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey suggest strategies to help students engage with complex texts Fourth grader Mario sits at his desk, staring at the page...

Immigrants, Their Languages, and Their Children

Alex Poole presents three modest principles to facilitate familial bilingualism Headlines like “Majority of Americans Want Immigrants to Learn English, Poll Says” (Benedetti, 2013), columns...

Personalize Literacy and Language Instruction with E-Books and Audiobooks

OverDrive offers teachers an ever-growing collection of tools for literacy and language instruction and access to an extensive digital library of e-books and audiobooks....

Enjoyable Testing that Works, Really

Deborah Blaz finds that integrated performance assessments motivate students If you Google “IPA,” you will first find lots of posts about alcohol (India pale...

All You Need is Read

Dianne Henderson and Gene Kerns offer practical strategies to help all students reap the benefits of reading A new report says that nearly half of...

Vancouver to Erect Language Revitalization Pole

In part with the 2019 UNESCO International Year of Indigenous Languages, the First Nations Education Foundation has announced that a Language Revitalization Pole will...

When One Size Doesn’t Fit All

Sara Davila addresses the challenges of mixed-ability classrooms Have you often found that, even with a reliable placement test, many students in the same class...

Evaluating Continuing Education

Julie Yaeger explains how to find the perfect professional learning fit As teachers, we all buy in to the power of learning. Learning keeps us...

Brexit Could Devastate Celtic Languages

The European Language Equality Network (ELEN), with its Welsh, Scottish, Irish, and Cornish member organizations, has issued a warning about the “potentially disastrous effect...

America’s Languages Caucus is Born

On November 12, the offices of Congressmen David E. Price (D-North Carolina 04) and Don Young (R-All Alaskans) announced the establishment of the Congressional...

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