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Music to All Ears

It is intriguing to realize that at times there is little distinction between spoken languages and musical ones. Consider, for instance, the complex rhythms...

Cambridge Univ Press Offers Free ELL, Gen Ed, Academic Resources

English Language Teaching CUP has launched the “Supporting Every Teacher” campaign and, in partnership with Cambridge Assessment English, is producing large amounts of free, online content for...

The digital divide leaves millions at a disadvantage during the coronavirus pandemic

Amidst the flurry of social media updates about the COVID-19 pandemic, a chart illustrating the importance of flattening the curve has gone viral. The...

How to Succeed in Distance Education

With the recent outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, many schools are closing their doors and shifting students and faculty to on-line study with little-to-no advanced notice nor...

Lockdown in Italy: What one teacher’s experience shows us about teaching online

“Where do you want to do your lessons today?” “Erm, well, I was teaching in the spare room yesterday so perhaps we could do a swap today?” “Well, what time’s...

Google Translate Launches Real-Time Language Transcription Functionality

Google CEO Sundar Pichai announced on his Twitter handle that the Google Translate app on Android is rolling out new feature called Transcribe that...

Why UDL Matters for English Language Learners

In 1922, my grandmother moved from Trois-Rivières, a city in Quebec, Canada, at the age of eleven. Speaking only French, and traveling with her...

Filling the Achievement Gap through Multigenerational Learning

There is a crack in our nation’s foundation. Although it is historically referred to as the achievement gap, today we more accurately call this...

Study Reveals Misconceptions about English Learners

Chicago Public Schools (CPS) students who began kindergarten as English learners (ELs), on average, progressed to eighth grade with academic achievement similar to or...

What Does Good Blended Learning Look Like?

During the past few years, blended learning has been hailed by schools worldwide as everything from the future of education to the conduit that...

Language Teacher vs. Acquisition Facilitator

Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word. Select the correct tense of the verb for the following statements. Which subject pronoun is...

The Art of Teaching

“Our students aren’t creative,” claimed one of the language teachers in the professional development workshop. The other participating teachers nodded in agreement. “How do you...

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Language Magazine