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Sustaining Community

While no one was prepared for the pandemic shuttering of physical school buildings, K–12 teachers of less commonly taught languages were perhaps the most...

Tips for Virtual Teaching and Remote Learning

The current surge in distance learning will have long-term effects on education worldwide as districts implement and manage more digital transformation in school administration...

Creating and Curating Digital Content for Class

In the minutes before your next class is set to begin, take a quick look over your students as they come in and get...

Podcasting into the Future

Do you listen to podcasts? With over 800,000 podcasts available as of December 2019, addressing just about any topic imaginable regardless of how narrow...

Enabling Heritage Language Reading

“All language is a longing for home.” When Rumi (Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, 1207–1273), a well-known Persian poet, wrote this in the 13th century,...

The Science of Reading

Does reading really matter that much now that we’re in the digital age? Yes! In fact, in the digital age, when we encounter so...

From Monolingualism to Multilingualism: Breaking Down the Wall One Essential Shift at a Time

DAN ALPERT: What are the most important academic, cognitive, and cultural benefits of multilingualism? IVANNIA SOTO: There are so many benefits associated with multilingualism. Cognitively,...

Making It Add Up for All

A fifth-grade teacher tells her class that a person mowed their entire lawn. She gives them the length and width of the hypothetical backyard...

The Power of Prior Knowledge

According to the most recent National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP, https://www.nationsreportcard.gov/reading?grade=4), approximately a third of students across grade levels demonstrated reading proficiency. The...

Feds Lay Out Rules for English Learners during Closures

The U.S. Department of Education has issued a factsheet clarifying states’ responsibilities to English learners (ELs) and their parents during the extended school closures: Annual...

Six Keys to Success

We find ourselves in unprecedented times as the COVID-19 pandemic has shut down our schools for an indefinite amount of time. As educators, we...

Solutions-Based Nonprofit Provides Tools and Community

mindSpark Learning's free Online Toolkit contains:  A unique series that focuses on creating robust strategic plans for your school or district for the upcoming school...

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Language Magazine