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Six Myths about Emergent Bilinguals

There are enough myths about emergent bilinguals to drive English learner (EL) educators crazy trying to correct them all. We’ve gathered six of the...

US Looks to Taiwan for Chinese

Through the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO), the U.S. and Taiwan have launched the U.S.-Taiwan Education Initiative, which is aimed at “expanding...

Introducing ‘School’

Q1: What activity can’t parents get kids to sit still for? Q2: What activity can’t parents get kids to stop doing? A1: Online school....

Canada Launches First Indigenous-Language TV Channel

A new, all-Inuit Inuktut language channel has been launched in Canada, serving as the country’s first channel broadcast entirely in an Indigenous language. Devised...

Advocacy Groups Call to Postpone In-Person Exam for ELL’s

A number of advocacy groups have called on President-elect...

Safety First

Here are five steps that all districts should take when implementing student safety procedures and protocols for 1:1 devices and online access. With eight...

A Voice for English Teachers in Africa

America-jin desuka? Nai, Africa-jin desu. Back in 2009, as I...

Anti-Racism Resources

Dismantling Racism: Working from the Inside Out Ayanna Cooper provides resources that support anti-racism, equity, and access in the U.S. The Weaponization of English Kisha C. Bryan...

Israeli Policy to promote Arabic Language Education

A member of the Israeli legislature, the Knesset, has submitted a bill that would require Israeli children to study Arabic in school. Currently, it...

Creating Community by Reading Aloud

The COVID-19 pandemic has unearthed so many challenges for our loved ones and our communities. In my work as a literacy advocate, I think...

Stop Overlooking English Learners

Deborah J. Short outlines a plan to invest and engage in English Learner education In the past six months, we have heard the cry “DEFUND”...

Building on 40 Years of Language Advocacy

On Feb. 3–5, 2021, advocates from all over the U.S. will gather virtually to celebrate 40 years of the Joint National Committee on Languages...

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Language Magazine