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Transforming Reading Instruction

1. Millions of people, including me, learned to read with the help of Reading Mastery. Why change such a successful product? Although Reading Mastery...

Rumi in the Language Classroom Vol 7: Operational Definition

Rumi in the Language Classroom Vol 7 See Vol 1 hereSee Vol 2 hereSee Vol 3 hereSee Vol 4 hereSee Vol 5 hereSee Vol 6...

Juneteenth: Shackles by Any Name…

(June 2021) Bremen de Haan and Darlyne de Haan see Juneteenth as an opportunity to address the societal legacy of slavery in the U.S. and the consequent educational inequalities

Words Matter – The Case for Shifting to “Emergent Bilingual”

Throughout IDRA’s almost five decades, we have paid close attention to how we speak about people in terms of race or ethnicity, gender, etc....

Linguistic Diversity Declines in Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea—frequently heralded as the most linguistically diverse place in the entire world—is in the middle of a language crisis. According to a...

New Framework for Early Multilingual Learners

One-third of the nearly 23 million preschool-age children in the U.S. live with a parent who speaks a language other than English. Despite the...

Beyond Crises: Imagining Families and Communities

The recent shootings of Asian Americans and whether these will be considered hate crimes, tornadoes ravaging the Southwest and elsewhere, and fears of uncertain...

Rumi in the Language Classroom Vol 6: Learner Differences

Rumi in the Language Classroom Series Vol 6 See Vol 1 hereSee Vol 2 hereSee Vol 3 hereSee Vol 4 here See Vol 5 here In...

Creating a Culturally Responsive Teaching Ecosystem

Culturally responsive teaching (CRT), a research-based approach that makes meaningful connections between what students learn in school and their cultures, languages, and life experiences,...

Indigenous Language Institute to Host Webinar Series

The Indigenous Language Institute (ILI) has announced that it will be hosting a webinar series to support its language communities while COVID restrictions are...

Help Your Students Slide Up, Not Down, Over the Summer

During the summer months, young children lose literacy gains made during the school year, a phenomenon known as “summer slide.” The most ...

“Who You Be?”: Welcoming in the Language of Critical Love

(May 2021) Shekema S. Dunlap, Millicent Carmouche, and Natasha Thornton share the power of being in African American language

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Language Magazine