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Comanche Nation Charters Dual-Language Academy

The Comanche Nation has begun enrolling students in the Comanche Academy Charter School in Lawton, Oklahoma. The charter school with include instruction in both...

Managing Reunions

This fall, many educators across the U.S. will be welcoming students back to brick-and-mortar classrooms for the first time in 18 months. Along with...

Using Evidence to Overcome Adversity

We are currently in the midst of an education crisis. Given the magnitude of the issues we’ve faced over the last year, it would...

After Whiteness, Part Two

(August 2021) J. P. B Gerald, Vijay A. Ramjattan, and Scott Stillar stress the importance of decentering Whiteness in English language teacher training and recruitment

Creating Community Connections

On March 13, 2020, when the seriousness of the coronavirus hit our campus, classes, lectures, programs, conferences, and celebrations had to be cancelled or...

Predicting Reading Ability Among Ten-Year Olds

This is a report on the most recent of three similar studies. We present the results all three here in order to highlight the...

Celebrating the Linguistic Self

Last spring, as the pandemic raged on outside my student dorm, I found myself mentally chained to the desk where I would now have...

Federal Statement in Support of International Education

The U.S. Departments of State and Education have issued a Joint Statement of Principles in Support of International Education, with support from the Departments...

A Destination of Choice in Unprecedented Times

At the outset of the COVID pandemic last spring, public schools across Canada shifted to virtual/remote delivery remarkably well and expediently. Some of the...

Leading the Dance

Many years ago, I was asked to be the advisor for the Spanish Club at my university, and I accepted with pleasure, since our...

Student Teaching in Spain in the Time of COVID

The European Quality Chart on Internships and Apprenticeships describes higher education and vocational school practices in participating companies and entities as a training-oriented component...

Beyond Crises: The Reawakening of Classrooms

It’s summer 2021 and as educators, we might be thinking beyond crises and concentrating on the extent to which the transformation of our practices...

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Language Magazine