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Predicting Reading Ability Among Ten-Year Olds

This is a report on the most recent of three similar studies. We present the results all three here in order to highlight the...

Celebrating the Linguistic Self

Last spring, as the pandemic raged on outside my student dorm, I found myself mentally chained to the desk where I would now have...

Federal Statement in Support of International Education

The U.S. Departments of State and Education have issued a Joint Statement of Principles in Support of International Education, with support from the Departments...

A Destination of Choice in Unprecedented Times

At the outset of the COVID pandemic last spring, public schools across Canada shifted to virtual/remote delivery remarkably well and expediently. Some of the...

Leading the Dance

Many years ago, I was asked to be the advisor for the Spanish Club at my university, and I accepted with pleasure, since our...

Student Teaching in Spain in the Time of COVID

The European Quality Chart on Internships and Apprenticeships describes higher education and vocational school practices in participating companies and entities as a training-oriented component...

Beyond Crises: The Reawakening of Classrooms

It’s summer 2021 and as educators, we might be thinking beyond crises and concentrating on the extent to which the transformation of our practices...

Innovative English Immersion

The English language program market in the U.S. has been challenged for the last several years by lower enrollments—and now, the COVID-19 pandemic has...

Language Is Limitless

We know the power of language. It can open doors for our students to the world, helping them to connect with new people, experience...

Debating the Digital Divide

Yaritza was suspended in seventh grade for punching a boy in the nose. He had called her a dull-witted donkey, not quite in those...

How Bilingual?

World language departments around the globe are continually faced with the task of advising and placing freshmen and transfer students into the appropriate courses....

Reading under Lockdown

Each year, Renaissance releases the What Kids Are Reading report, and each year it grows by leaps and bounds.1 This year’s report looked at...

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Language Magazine