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But You’re Not What We’re Looking For

(January 2022) Mary Romney-Schaab explores employment discrimination in English language teaching

Multilingual Experiences for All Students

How have your experiences prepared you for this role?I’ll begin by sharing this: Many years before I was born, there was a teacher in...

Backward Design

Comprehensible input. Movies. Language clubs. Guest speakers. Pirates. Conversations. Fly-swatter vocabulary matches. Video pen pals. Study abroad.A language program can take many forms and...

World Leaders Learn from Native Languages

World leaders at the COP26 climate summit in Scotland have been urged to shift their thinking about the climate crisis to focus on humanity’s...

Mi’kmaw to Be Enshrined as Nova Scotia’s First Language

Mi’kmaw is Nova Scotia’s first language and legislation next spring will help preserve, revitalize, and promote it, according to an announcement by the Canadian...

English Learner Progress Dips during Pandemic

The latest report on how English learners (ELs) around the country coped with language development during the pandemic reveals an overall downward trend in...

Speaking of Migration

The recent discovery that Japanese, Korean, and even Turkish all evolved from language spoken by millet farmers just 9,000 years ago in what is...

Increasing Space Between Letters Could Help Dyslexic Readers

A study recently published in Research in Developmental Disabilities has shown that dyslexic children may be able to improve their reading speed with increased...

English Hegemony as an Issue of Justice

(December 2021) Richard C. Benton Jr. argues that multilingualism is the birthright of all Americans

International Education Week 2021

Now that travel restrictions are being lifted, International Education Week (IEW), Nov. 15–19, 2021, is an opportunity to celebrate the benefits of international education...

California’s Commitment: Literacy, Biliteracy, and Libraries

I have only one critical comment about California’s Secretary of Education Thurmond’s task force report, “California Commits to Literacy and Bets on Biliteracy,” but...

Getting Kids to Listen

The current boom in podcasting has captured public attention for a variety of reasons, from the nostalgic reference to radio shows of the pre-TV...

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Language Magazine