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Improving Language Equity for the Seals of Biliteracy

Heritage language learners add to the rich variety of the U.S.’s languages, yet all too often those very...

I Am My Language

“I am...

The Power of Cultural and Linguistic Connections

(May 2022) Daphne Germain shares a mother’s perspective on the benefits of bilingual, bicultural education

The Power of Storytelling

When I was a child, my father used to tell us stories as my siblings and I were getting ready to sleep....

Self-Selecting Success

Reading is Fundamental (RIF), the nation’s leading voice for children’s literacy, has a simple yet effective formula for increasing reading outcomes: choice + access...

Reading Foundations

Educators are...

Tools 4 Reading Adds Teacher Training

Tools 4 Reading has acquired The Reading Teacher’s Top 10 Tools, an online reading educator’s course. Tools 4 Reading focuses on developing practical tools...

Recommendations for Long-Term English Learners

Ten years after their groundbreaking publication Reparable Harm called attention to California’s long-term English learners (LTELs), Californians Together has released Renewing Our Promise, a...

Practical PD


Pretext for Learning

Our school systems are structured around the simple...

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Language Magazine