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There are no limits to the range of English language courses offered in the UK. Over 600,000 learners a year go to the UK...

Columnist Calls Language Learning Useless

In a recent column for the Washington Post, Why Waste Time on a Foreign Language?, Jay Mathews argues that "based on what actually happens...

May 2010

Reading in Any Language The theme of the International Association’s 2010 conference “Reading in Many Languages”seems perfectly timed to coincide with a new report (see...

First Random Study Supports Bilingual Ed

In the first randomized-assignment study in which English language learners were followed for as long as five years, researchers have found that Spanish-speaking children...

April 2010

Free Public Education Now that a compromised healthcare bill looks set to be pushed through Congress, the Administration has released its Blueprint for Reform to shift public attention...

Bilingual Pay Act

One America, Many Voices Act Rep Michael Honda (CA-15), Chairman of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, has introduced the One America, Many Voices Act...

March 2010

Keeping the Message Clear President Obama’s appointment of Thelma Meléndez de Santa Ana as assistant secretary for elementary and secondary education at the Department of...

American Councils for Education: Seeking Fellowship Placements

  The American Councils for Education, in association with the U.S. Department of State, is seeking to place five young professionals in non-governmental internships across...

Making Dreams Come True

A Dream Deferred… See April 2009 Editorial for more on the DREAM Act Each year, thousands of promising students go to school eager to achieve their...

February 2010

Invest in Teachers Teacher quality is key to the success of our schools and our children. No matter how you judge success, there can be...

Educating Young Haitian Refugees

Children under 18 years old make up almost half of Haiti's population of 9 million. As many as 8,000 schools that served 1.8 million...

Edwyna Wheadon Postgraduate Training Scholarship

National Council of Teachers of English: Edwyna Wheadon Postgraduate Training Scholarship The Edwyna Wheadon Postgraduate Training Scholarship provides funding for professional development experiences for English/Language...

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Language Magazine