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California Bill Would Redefine Dual Language Learners

A new bill in the California State Assembly could...

Día Turns 25

Each year on April 30, libraries, schools, parks, and community organizations across the nation observe El día de los niños, El día de los...

Translanguaging as a Transformative Force in Literacy

Translanguaging is a 21st-century way of thinking about language...

All Englishes Matter

The exclusive or predominant use of inner-circle Englishes in...

Improving Accountability for English Learners in California

Californians Together, a statewide education advocacy coalition, has introduced a new framework for accountability focused on the needs of English learner (EL) students in...

Black History in the Community

There is no doubt that K–12 English learners (ELs)...

Improving Accountability for English Learners in California

Californians Together, a statewide education advocacy coalition, has introduced a new framework for accountability focused on the needs of English learner (EL) students in...

Where Do Students Store New Vocabulary?

A study on word learning recently published in Neuropsychologia is shedding light on the age-old question of how language learners’ minds store the target...

Six Myths about Emergent Bilinguals

There are enough myths about emergent bilinguals to drive English learner (EL) educators crazy trying to correct them all. We’ve gathered six of the...

Advocacy Groups Call to Postpone In-Person Exam for ELL’s

A number of advocacy groups have called on President-elect...

A Voice for English Teachers in Africa

America-jin desuka? Nai, Africa-jin desu. Back in 2009, as I...

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Language Magazine