Culture & Community

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Black History in the Community

There is no doubt that K–12 English learners (ELs)...


Rumi in the Language Classroom Series Vol 3 See Vol 1 of the series here. See Vol 2 of the series here. One of the poems...

Sustaining Community

While no one was prepared for the pandemic shuttering of physical school buildings, K–12 teachers of less commonly taught languages were perhaps the most...

Building a Community of Year-Round Readers

If recent data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is any indication, literacy education is a challenge across the country, with only...

Spanish through Music & Friendship in Tijuana

Univoice Corporation, the developer of a language-learning platform that teaches languages exclusively through music, has started its first learning class in Tijuana, Mexico. This...

Multilingual Matters

The Royal Academy of the Spanish Language which is one of the authorities regulating and preserving the changes that occur in the ...

Finding Inspiration in Diversity

    Chris Cartwright offers examples showing how improved intercultural competence can motivate language learning “You really cannot teach a language; it has to be learned. Fostering...

Cultivating a Personal Style

Juliet Falce-Robinson insists on individual style in a skills-based approach to language teaching The goal of a successful language program is to foment and foster...

Keeping Up with les Voisins

Michael Ballagh questions the rankings race in study abroad participation U.S. institutions of higher education have long sought validation in the rankings system dominated by...

Social Climbing

Yue Meng and Nile Stanley see the educational value in social networking sites If you type “Facebook educational usage” into Google, it will show millions...

Murals Teach Education is Not a Crime

Changing the World, One Wall at a Time is a new documentary on Education...

The Art of Teaching

M. Elhess, E. Elturki, and J. Egbert offer strategies to support creativity in the language classroom “Our students aren’t creative,” claimed one of the language teachers in the...

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Applied Peace Linguistics

A Nonbinary Gender?

Dual Language Expectations

Reflective Reading

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Language Magazine