Culture & Community

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Rigorous Teaching and Learning

You know it when you see it”...

Applied Peace Linguistics

As a language learner, how often do you reflect critically on your psycho-social purposes for learning? As a language user, how often do you...

A Nonbinary Gender?

There is a growing proportion of transgender and nonbinary people worldwide, and the practice of addressing this group by they/them pronouns and using their...

Dual Language Expectations

In an increasingly globalized...

Reflective Reading

It is imperative that students have access to culturally responsive materials that help them understand not only themselves but others as well. Research shows...

French Is for Films, Fitness and Fun!

The 2024 Olympics are being held in Paris,...

Valuing Local Forms of French

French language and Francophone culture are global and—as the world evolves—renewed manifestations of language and culture stand positioned to grow in influence and...

Educating Students about the Lived Experience in Canada

Schools across Canada have recognized National Day of Truth and Reconciliation for two years to incorporate the legacy of residential schools into the classroom....

World Readiness for a World in Conflict

Not long ago, my husband and I were in our kitchen discussing the news of escalating conflict in Gaza when he asked an unexpectedly...

The Mexican American

Originally published in June 2007, Language Magazine is republishing this article in memoriam of the activist, artist, and author, Herman Sillas. I had gone...

No Sabo

One day while at work, I was speaking...

­­­Immigration: Bringing Backgrounds to the Foreground

Immigration is one of the most complex phenomena...

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Applied Peace Linguistics

A Nonbinary Gender?

Dual Language Expectations

Reflective Reading

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Language Magazine