Today, the California State Board of Education adopted the English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework for California Public Schools (Framework). This is the first time in the nation that a state has adopted dual guidelines in one publication for both English language arts and English language development.
“Bringing together the standards for English language arts and English language development will help give all students — no matter where they come from or where they live — the tools to read, write, and understand all their courses, so they will be ready for college and careers,” said State Superintendant for Education Tom Torlakson. “The new Framework addresses the needs of our diverse student population and gives teachers a ‘roadmap’ for curriculum and instruction under the Common Core.”
The Framework provides teachers guidance to teach the standards, which describe the knowledge, concepts, and skills that students should acquire at each grade level. The Framework covers the implementation of the California Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects, as well as the new California English Language Development Standards.
“California is forging a new path through the adoption of one Framework for two interrelated standards that help ensure all of our students have the ability to read, write, and communicate with competence and confidence across a range of academic content areas,” said State Board of Education President Dr. Michael Kirst.
The Framework guides teachers on instructional strategies, both in classrooms where English language is taught and in collaboration with teachers in other courses. It also contains information on professional development, technology for instruction and learning, criteria for evaluating instructional materials, and on testing. The Framework provides descriptions of the standards by grade span and level, and includes resources such as classroom instruction vignettes and models that teachers may use to address the diverse needs of their students.
The Framework is currently available in draft form on the California Department of Education’s May-June Draft ELA/ELD Framework Chapters Web page and will soon be updated to reflect its final adoption by the State Board of Education.