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HomeResourcesLiteracy Intervention Solution Helps Grow Students’ Foundational Reading Skills

Literacy Intervention Solution Helps Grow Students’ Foundational Reading Skills

With up to 50% of US students struggling with the foundational skills they need to become fluent readers, educators need easy-to-implement literacy interventions to help students, especially those in middle school and above, get on the path to fluency.
WordFlight is designed to help. This unique, evidence-based online solution for students in grades 3–8 bridges the gap between phonics and fluency by focusing on automatic word recognition—a critical and often overlooked skill needed for students to become fluent readers.
Aligned with the science of reading and based in the science of learning, the online program’s powerful combination of components—screener, patented diagnostic, instructional program, teacher resources, and ongoing implementation support—helps students move beyond decoding to learn how to use letter–sound relationships in a way that results in automatic word recognition. WordFlight helps students develop the word-level fluency that is necessary to read fluently for comprehension.

The program leverages adaptive technology and provides personalized, structured practice in an engaging game-like environment that makes learning stick. Throughout the program, students experience varied task difficulty, context changes, and ongoing feedback.
When implemented with fidelity, WordFlight helps move students to proficient in foundational reading skills. In fact, one dual immersion teacher in California saw the number of students scoring as proficient in phonics and fluency double on the FastBridge assessment after only four months of using the program.

A majority of students in the class also improved their proficiency in automatic word recognition and decoding, as measured by the patented WordFlight Diagnostic. Notably, the program has additionally been shown to help move 80% of struggling middle school students to proficient in foundational reading skills within one school year.
Learn more about WordFlight at

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